How Much Does an Average Progressive Auto Insurance Policy Cost?
Last Updated on February 14, 2022
Progressive insures drivers in all 50 states, charging competitive prices while ranking as America’s third-largest car insurance company.
According to our research, the average Progressive policyholder pays around $1,394 per year for full coverage car insurance. That means Progressive policyholders are paying cheaper rates than the average American, who pays around $1,450 per year for full coverage car insurance.
How much does the average Progressive auto insurance policy cost? Should you buy car insurance with Progressive? Keep reading to discover everything you need to know about the average cost of a Progressive auto insurance policy.
Table of Contents:
- Average Progressive Car Insurance Policy Cost
- Factors that Affect Progressive Car Insurance Premiums
- Progressive Auto Insurance Discounts
The Average Progressive Car Insurance Policy Costs $1,394 Per Year
According to our research, the average Progressive customer in the United States pays $1,394 per year for full coverage car insurance.
Our rates include quotes from drivers in all 50 states. We use multiple driver profiles to compile our rankings. Although some states have significantly higher average premiums than others, most Progressive customers pay around $1,394 per year for car insurance.
Based on your age and driving history, you could pay significantly more or less than the average Progressive policyholder. Drivers with multiple incidents on their driving record pay more for car insurance than drivers with a clean record.
Similarly, drivers with minimum liability plans will pay less than $600 per year, on average, when buying from Progressive. Minimum liability plans provide basic coverage to allow drivers to legally drive, but they provide limited protection for your own vehicle.
Factors that Affect Progressive Car Insurance Premiums
Progressive is America’s third-largest car insurance company. They insure policyholders in all 50 states. Understandably, Progressive rates vary across the county based on hundreds of factors.
Some of the factors that affect the cost of your Progressive car insurance policy include:
Discounts: Are you taking advantage of Progressive’s many discounts? Progressive offers dozens of discounts that can significantly lower the cost of car insurance. Drivers who take advantage of these discounts could save hundreds per year on car insurance.
Location: Drivers in cities tend to pay more for Progressive car insurance than drivers in rural areas. Progressive, like all insurers, considers your location, ZIP code, and address when calculating premiums. Where is your car parked most nights of the week? What are the risks of being involved in an accident on your daily commute? Does your neighborhood have high rates of crime or break-ins? All of these factors impact the cost of your Progressive auto insurance policy.
State Insurance Laws: Some states have strict insurance laws, while others have lax insurance laws. Some states are no-fault states that require personal injury protection, while others are tort law states that require at-fault drivers to pay up. State insurance laws cause the price of Progressive auto insurance to vary significantly across the United States. Drivers in Maine pay less than $900 per year for full coverage car insurance with Progressive, for example, while drivers in Florida pay more than $2,000 per year – largely due to differences in state insurance laws and other state-specific factors.
Average Mileage: Do you work from home? If so, you could qualify for a low mileage discount with Progressive. Do you drive more than 20,000 miles per year? You might pay higher rates for your Progressive auto insurance policy because you’re spending more time on the road. The average American drives around 14,000 miles per year. Drivers who drive significantly more or fewer miles than that number will pay different car insurance premiums.
Vehicle Safety Rating and Value: Some vehicles are more expensive to insure than others. Progressive will charge more to insure a 2022 Lamborghini than a 2010 Honda Civic, for example. Insurers must cover the value of the vehicle. Insurers must also cover injuries caused by the vehicle, which is why Progressive and other insurers consider safety ratings. Vehicles with a strong safety rating will have cheaper insurance premiums.
Age, Gender, and Other Demographic Factors: Young men tend to pay significantly higher rates for car insurance than young women, and older men tend to pay less for car insurance than older women. Progressive, like all insurers, considers demographic-specific factors when calculating auto insurance premiums.
Credit Score: Unless you live in California, Massachusetts, or Hawaii, your insurer uses your credit score to calculate auto insurance premiums. Drivers with a strong credit score will pay lower auto insurance premiums with Progressive than drivers with a low credit score.
Driving Record: Do you have a clean driving record and 15+ years of safe driving experience? You’ll pay some of Progressive’s lowest auto insurance rates. Meanwhile, drivers with speeding tickets, at-fault accidents, and other citations or incidents will pay more for car insurance.
Coverage Options and Limits: Some Progressive policyholders have high coverage options and limits. Others have low coverage options and limits. Some maintain minimum liability insurance plans that let them drive on the road legally without much other coverage, while others have full coverage policies with maximum protection for themselves and their assets. Your Progressive auto insurance premiums may vary widely based on your coverage options and limits.
Progressive Auto Insurance Discounts
Progressive is one of America’s best-rated and cheapest car insurance companies. However, Progressive offers auto insurance discounts to lower the cost of premiums even further.
Some of Progressive’s best auto insurance discounts include:
- Multi-policy discounts and multi-vehicle discounts (i.e. bundling discounts)
- Good student discounts
- Low mileage discounts
- Good driver discounts
- Snapshot driver tracking program discounts
- Automatic payment and paid in full discounts
- Continuous coverage and loyalty discounts
Progressive has a loyalty tier system that makes it easy to safe on car insurance over time. The more continuous car insurance coverage you’ve maintained with Progressive or any insurance company, the bigger the discount will be.
Final Word – Progressive Insurance Cost
The average Progressive auto insurance policyholder in the United States pays around $1,394 per year for full coverage car insurance. However, rates vary based on state insurance factors, your personal coverage limits, and your driving history, among dozens of other factors.
To ensure you’re paying the cheapest possible rates with Progressive, request a quote online today and compare rates from multiple providers.