James Shaffer
James Shaffer James Shaffer is a writer for InsurancePanda.com and a well-seasoned auto insurance industry veteran. He has a deep knowledge of insurance rules and regulations and is passionate about helping drivers save money on auto insurance. He is responsible for researching and writing about anything auto insurance-related. He holds a bachelor's degree from Bentley University and his work has been quoted by NBC News, CNN, and The Washington Post.

How Donald Trump’s Victory Will Impact Auto Insurance Rates

Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential victory has raised questions across industries about what his return to office might mean. With a track record of pro-business policies, tax cuts, and deregulation, Trump’s influence on the U.S. economy and various sectors is expected to be significant. For the Read More…

What Are the Best Collector Car Insurance Companies?

Collector cars have different insurance needs than ordinary vehicles. Maybe you only drive your collector car during the summer. Maybe you hardly drive it at all – but still want it protected in storage or during a restoration. Some companies understand how to value collector Read More…

Can I Sue My Insurance Company?

You may or may not be able to sue your insurance company. After an accident, for example, you may only be able to sue the at-fault driver – not your insurance company. In some cases, however, you can sue your insurance company for emotional distress, Read More…

How to Get Japanese Import Car Insurance

If you’re importing a car from Japan, then you have different car insurance requirements than the average American driver. Fortunately, you’re not the first person to import a Japanese vehicle. There are several insurance options available to protect your imported vehicle. In fact, insuring a Read More…

SR-22 Insurance in Illinois

SR-22 requires high-risk drivers to buy Financial Responsibility Insurance, also known as an SR-22. The Illinois DMV uses the SR-22 system to monitor the insurance of high-risk drivers. When you submit an SR-22 certificate to the Illinois DMV, you’re verifying you are carrying valid car Read More…

SR-22 Insurance in Ohio

Ohio, like most states, uses SR-22 certificates to manage high-risk drivers. If you are a high-risk driver, then the Ohio BMV may require an SR-22 certificate. It’s a certificate of financial responsibility proving you have adequate car insurance coverage. Most insurance companies in Ohio can Read More…

SR-22 Insurance in South Carolina

High-risk drivers in South Carolina may need to buy SR-22 insurance. The SR-22 isn’t technically insurance; instead, it’s a certificate verifying you have insurance. You buy insurance from a licensed South Carolina insurance company, and the insurer submits the SR-22 certificate to the South Carolina Read More…

Do I Need Gap Insurance If I Have Full Coverage?

If you are leasing or financing a vehicle, then you may need gap insurance even if you already have full coverage car insurance. Gap insurance, also known as guaranteed asset protection (GAP) insurance, covers the difference between the value of your vehicle and the amount Read More…

What’s Insurable Interest in Car Insurance?

When shopping for car insurance, you may encounter the term “insurable interest.” To buy car insurance for a vehicle, for example, you may need to have an insurable interest in that vehicle – like proof of ownership. Insurable interest is any motivation you have to Read More…

How to Write a Car Insurance Cancellation Letter

Some insurance companies require written notice to cancel your policy. So how do you write a car insurance cancellation letter? A car insurance cancellation letter doesn’t need to be complicated. It should include your name, policy number, requested cancellation date, and contact information. However, depending Read More…

Who Do I Call If I Lock My Keys In My Car?

Everyone makes mistakes. If you lock your keys in your car, you have multiple ways to solve the problem. You could call your insurance company – like GEICO, Progressive, Allstate, or State Farm – to dispatch a locksmith to your location. If your insurance comes Read More…

What Car Insurance Do I Need While Traveling Abroad?

If you’re traveling abroad and planning to rent a vehicle, you may need special car insurance. Depending on the country, your US car insurance policy could follow you. In some countries, all rental cars automatically come with car insurance. Keep reading to find out everything Read More…

Can I Raise My Deductible to Save on Car Insurance?

Some insurance experts recommend raising your deductible to save on car insurance. But can raising your deductible really lower premiums? Yes, most insurers charge lower premiums if you raise your deductible. You save money on premiums, although you pay more to make a claim. Keep Read More…

Primary vs. Secondary Auto Insurance Coverage

When it comes to rental car insurance, you have primary and secondary coverage. Today, we’re explaining the difference between the two. After an insurable event – like a car accident – your primary insurance pays for any damage first, up to the limits of your Read More…

How to Check If a Car is Insured

Are you curious if a car has insurance? Fortunately, there are ways to check. You can check if your car is insured by contacting your own insurance company and asking for up-to-date policy information. Alternatively, you can find out if someone else’s car is insured Read More…

How Changing Your Address Affects Auto Insurance

If you move to a new address, your car insurance could change significantly. A new ZIP code could raise or lower rates by 20% or more, for example. Moving to a new state could require you to buy new coverage entirely. Some insurers only operate Read More…

How to Get Car Insurance Before Buying a Car

If you’re buying a car, then you need to get car insurance. Fortunately, getting car insurance before buying a car is easy. Most insurers make it easy to get car insurance on new vehicles. Alternatively, you can buy temporary coverage from your dealership to cover Read More…

Do Insurance Companies Go After Uninsured Drivers?

If you are involved in an accident with an uninsured driver, your insurance company could go after the uninsured driver. In an accident, the at-fault driver must cover certain expenses of the other driver, regardless of whether or not they have insurance. Depending on state Read More…

How Can You Get Your Car Towed for Free?

So you need to tow your car but don’t want to pay a fortune. What can you do? Fortunately, there are ways to get your car towed for free. You could contact your auto insurance company, for example. Or, you may have free towing with Read More…

How to See if a Car Has Been in an Accident

Some vehicles have a clean history, while others do not. Fortunately, there are easy ways to check if a car has been in an accident. Today, you can look up a vehicle’s VIN to determine if it has been involved in an accident. Or, you Read More…

Do Car Dealerships Offer Temporary Insurance?

Most car dealerships offer temporary insurance, making it easy to drive off the lot with your new vehicle. However, depending on your policy, you may not need the dealership’s temporary insurance. Your personal policy often covers new vehicles, rental cars, and other vehicles you drive. Read More…

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