James Shaffer
James Shaffer James Shaffer is a writer for InsurancePanda.com and a well-seasoned auto insurance industry veteran. He has a deep knowledge of insurance rules and regulations and is passionate about helping drivers save money on auto insurance. He is responsible for researching and writing about anything auto insurance-related. He holds a bachelor's degree from Bentley University and his work has been quoted by NBC News, CNN, and The Washington Post.

What Is a Captive Agent?

One of the most popular ways to purchase car insurance is to go through an agent. There are two different types of insurance agents – captive agents and independent agents. When shopping for your insurance policy, it’s important to understand what type of agent you Read More…

Is Double-Dipping with Car Insurance Illegal?

You may be tempted to double-dip with car insurance. Double-dipping involves filing two claims for one incident. Is double-dipping with car insurance illegal? Or is it just smart business? It’s illegal to double dip car insurance. You cannot file two claims for a single incident, Read More…

All About SR-50 Coverage in Indiana

Certain drivers in Indiana need an SR-50 form, which is a proof of insurance document. The SR-50 is a form specific to Indiana car insurance. The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) may require certain drivers to obtain an SR-50. The SR-50 provides proof of Read More…

What Is Broad Form Car Insurance Coverage?

Broad form auto insurance is a type of liability coverage only available in select states. It’s typically cheaper, but it can also be riskier. Broad form car insurance coverage provides coverage for one driver, no matter how many cars the driver owns or drives. It’s Read More…

Can a Surety Bond Replace Actual Car Insurance?

Some drivers replace car insurance with a surety bond. In certain states, drivers can use a surety bond instead of car insurance. Many drivers are surprised to learn that some states don’t technically require car insurance – if you have a surety bond, then you Read More…

Laws Regarding Driving Slow in the Left Lane

Driving slow in the left lane is not a good idea. It increases the chances of an accident and makes roads less safe. Today, some states have passed laws restricting left lane driving. Some states require you to stay in the right lane when driving Read More…

Coronavirus-Related Auto Insurance Discounts

In light of the coronavirus outbreak, many car insurance companies are offering discounts. Some car insurance companies are refunding premiums to customers, for example. Others are offering steep discounts on future premiums, extended grace periods, and other benefits. In April 2020, for example, Allstate and Read More…

Top 25 Safe Driving Tips – Staying Safe on the Road

The best way to lower car insurance costs is to avoid a car accident. You can avoid car accidents by driving safely. It’s no secret that defensive driving prevents accidents. By implementing certain driving habits, you can significantly reduce your chances of getting into an Read More…

How to Make Sure Your Insurance Company is Financially Stable

Financial strength is important when shopping for car insurance. Unfortunately, many drivers overlook financial strength. Financial strength is crucial: it could be the difference between a denied and approved claim. Most of America’s largest insurance companies – GEICO, Nationwide, USAA, and other companies – are Read More…

Do You Need RV Insurance?

RV insurance protects recreational vehicles (RVs) from unexpected costs, accidents, and damages. But do you really need RV insurance? Most states require you to get RV insurance if your RV is a motorhome (i.e. if you’re driving it on the road). You may also be Read More…

The Top 5 Companies to Buy Gap Insurance From

Gap insurance provides an extra layer of protection for your vehicle. Gap insurance covers the difference between the actual cash value of your vehicle and the amount you owe for that vehicle. On newer cars, this ‘gap’ can add up to thousands of dollars. That’s Read More…

Top 10 Causes of Car Insurance Rate Increases

Auto insurance rates can fluctuate. Sometimes, premiums go down. In other cases, they go up. Maybe you did something to raise auto insurance rates. You made a claim, for example, or were convicted of a DUI. Or, maybe your insurance rates rose because of something Read More…

How Do Vehicle Safety Ratings Impact Insurance Rates?

You may have heard that vehicle safety ratings impact car insurance rates. It’s true: the safety rating of your vehicle will affect your premiums. Cars with strong safety ratings have a lower risk of injuries than cars with poor safety ratings. Insurers are often required Read More…

What Is an FR-44 Policy?

An FR-44 policy is a unique type of car insurance policy that certain high-risk drivers are required to have. An FR-44 policy isn’t technically insurance. An FR-44 is a certificate of “financial responsibility” (FR) proving a driver is carrying an adequate amount of insurance. An Read More…

What Does It Mean To Have a Clean Driving Record?

It’s important to have a clean driving record. But what is considered a clean driving record? How do car insurance companies define a “clean driving record”? If you got a speeding ticket four years ago, or a DUI 10 years ago, do you have a Read More…

Agreed Value vs. Stated Value Car Insurance Policies

Agreed value and stated value car insurance policies are the best choices for drivers in certain situations. What’s the difference between agreed value and stated value car insurance policies? Should you choose an agreed value or stated value insurance policy? Under an agreed value insurance Read More…

Top 20 Ways to Save on Auto Insurance

Auto insurance can be expensive. Fortunately, by taking advantage of car insurance discounts, you can save hundreds – or even thousands – each year on premiums. Today, we’re highlighting some of the best, easiest, and most effective ways to save on auto insurance. 1. Request Read More…

How Do AM Best Ratings Work (for Auto Insurance)?

It’s important to assess the financial stability of your insurance company. Today, many policyholders check A.M. Best ratings before choosing an insurance provider. How do A.M. Best ratings work for car insurance? What does A.M. Best do? What is an A.M. Best Financial Strength Rating Read More…

All About Emergency Roadside Assistance Coverage

Emergency roadside assistance coverage is an optional insurance policy that covers you in certain emergency situations. Typically, emergency roadside assistance doesn’t add an exorbitant amount to your car insurance policy (say, $20 to $150 per year). However, it can be useful when your vehicle’s battery Read More…

What Is a Replacement Cost Policy?

Replacement cost car insurance policies may make it easier to buy a vehicle after an insurance claim. With a replacement cost policy, your insurer will cover the cost of replacing your vehicle after an accident – not just the actual cash value of your vehicle. Read More…

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