Do I Have to Add Non-Driving Family Members to My Car Insurance Policy?

Last Updated on October 19, 2020

Auto insurance can be tricky. While it’s a known fact that every driver needs to be insured, the type of coverage that a driver needs to carry depends on a variety of factors. These factors include where you live, the type of vehicle you drive, how you drive, and your age.

A lot of drivers also have questions about who should be listed on their auto insurance policy. For example, if someone lives in your house and is of the legal driving age and operates your vehicle, then you should consider adding that individual to your policy. But what if someone living at your address isn’t a driver? For example, what if your children aren’t of the legal driving age, or your spouse doesn’t drive? Would you have to add them to your auto insurance policy, too?

Read on to find out the answer to these questions, and to find out who you should add to your auto insurance policy.

Do Members of Your Family Need to Be Added to Your Insurance Policy?

add non-driving family members to insuranceYes, any member of your family who is of the legal driving age and has a valid driver’s license must be listed on your insurance policy. That includes your spouse, your children, siblings, aunts, uncles, or even a roommate who isn’t related to you.

Why do all drivers who live in your household have to be listed on your insurance policy? Because auto insurance is a risk-based business; in other words, insurance providers want to know what risks are involved with insuring you and your vehicle. That means that they are going to need to know about anyone who may be driving your car. For example, you could very well lend your car to someone living in your house, and that person would need to be covered by your auto insurance.

You might even need to list individuals on your auto insurance policy that don’t live at the same address. For instance, if your mother doesn’t live with you but she co-signed a car loan, then she would have to be listed on your insurance. Or, if your father is listed on your vehicle’s registration, then he would need to be listed on your insurance, too.

What About Non-Driving Family Members?

As we’ve already mentioned, anyone who is of legal driving age and has a valid driver’s license will need to be listed on your auto insurance. But what about individuals who don’t drive? For example, if your spouse doesn’t have a driver’s license, or if your children aren’t of the legal driving age, do they have to be listed on your policy? Yes. The reason? – Again, it has to do with the fact that auto insurance is a risk-based business. Not only does your insurance provider need to know who they are insuring, but they also need to know who they aren’t insuring.

Auto Insurance Policies and Excluded Drivers

However, if your spouse or children won’t be driving your car, then you can inquire with your insurance provider about excluding these individuals from your policy. Exclusions state that the listed person will not be driving your vehicle, and as such, the driver will not be covered by your auto insurance policy. In other words, your spouse may be listed on your policy, but she will be excluded from the policy. Excluded drivers do not affect your auto insurance rates. But, it is important to note that if your spouse or children do drive your car for any reason and are excluded from your insurance, they will not be covered by your policy in any way. For instance, if your wife decides to get her driver’s license, or once your children are of legal driving age, if they are excluded from your policy, they won’t be covered. To include them in your policy, you will need to contact your auto insurance provider.

It is important to note that exclusions are not always available; some states and insurance companies will not allow it. Additionally, if your state or carrier does permit excluded drivers, you may be charged a fee. You might also be asked to provide proof that the person will not be driving. For example, if you are excluding your wife, she may be required to show proof that she does not have a valid license, or if it’s your child, you might have to show proof of age. Impaired individuals may have to surrender their licenses in order to be listed as an excluded driver.

Summing It Up

There are a lot of rules and regulations regarding auto insurance coverage, and those who must be listed on a policy; even those who live in your household but do not drive. It’s important to check with your state and your carrier to ensure that you follow all of the rules and regulations that apply to coverage, listed drivers, and excluded drivers. If an error occurs, you could end up facing serious consequences.

Whenever you’re in doubt about your auto insurance, speak to a reputable agent.

James Shaffer
James Shaffer James Shaffer is a writer for and a well-seasoned auto insurance industry veteran. He has a deep knowledge of insurance rules and regulations and is passionate about helping drivers save money on auto insurance. He is responsible for researching and writing about anything auto insurance-related. He holds a bachelor's degree from Bentley University and his work has been quoted by NBC News, CNN, and The Washington Post.
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