Does Liberty Mutual’s RightTrack Save You Money?

Last Updated on October 16, 2023

These days, just about every insurance company is offering a way to save on your annual premiums and reduce deductibles. One popular method is to use an in-vehicle tracking device that monitors your driving habits and supposedly saves you money.

Liberty Mutual is no stranger to such tracking devices. Liberty Mutual’s RightTrack program allows policyholders to install a tracking device and then receive premium discounts based on their driving habits.

How does Liberty Mutual’s RightTrack program work? How much money can RightTrack help you save? How do you enroll in RightTrack? Continue reading below to learn all about RightTrack and how it can work for you.

What Is the Liberty Mutual RightTrack Program?

liberty mutual righttrackRightTrack is a program offered by Liberty Mutual that says drivers can save up to 30 percent for the life of their auto policy. Instead of a single device in your vehicle, Liberty Mutual uses your smartphone to track driving habits via their app and a device you put in your car.

To start, you need to be a Liberty Mutual policyholder. If you do not yet hold a Liberty Mutual auto insurance policy, the first step is to sign up. You can contact them here.

Next, download Liberty Mutual’s RightTrack app or request a shipment for your tracking device (in NY State only). The tracking device is a plug-in chip that looks like a small cartridge. You plug it into the OBD port of your car.

Once tracking is installed, you must drive for 90 days. During those 90 days, Liberty Mutual’s team will review your driving habits and determine if you can save. According to its website, the savings range from 5 to 30 percent. After the 90-day trial, you send the device back to the company.

Participation is free, and you agree to use your phone’s Wi-Fi and cell data to send the data from the device back to Liberty Mutual.

What Does the RightTrack Device Track?

Liberty Mutual RightTrack monitors your daily driving habits, including:

  • Number of Miles Driven per Day and Averaged over 90 Days: Over the 90-day period, Liberty Mutual assesses the total miles driven and the average miles driven per day.
  • The Time of Day: The time of day you drive will also play a role in your savings. Accidents are more frequent during certain hours of the day. According to NHTSA, between 3:00 and 6:00 pm and Saturdays see more accidents than other hours. Therefore, if you tend to drive during dangerous hours for serious accidents, you may not get that full 30 percent compared to those who avoid driving during those peak hours.
  • Instances of Rapid Acceleration: In theory, a safe driver accelerates slowly and gradually picks up speed. Instances of rapid acceleration are warning flags to insurers, and these drivers are less likely to get a full discount.
  • Hard Braking Instances: Just like instances of rapid acceleration, Liberty Mutual RightTrack wants to know if you are hard braking instead of coming to a stop safely and slowly. Too many cases of hard braking might mean you are speeding, tailgating, or distracted while on the road.

The discount, once applied, is for the lifetime of your policy with Liberty Mutual.

Can You Drive Safe for 90 Days with the RightTrack Device and Resume Normal Habits after?

Technically, yes. However, the discounts you receive on your policy will be canceled if you have an accident, multiple claims, or multiple citations. As with any insurance company, when you file a collision or comprehensive claim, your insurance premium may go up.

Liberty Mutual does offer accident forgiveness on the first accident while holding a policy, but after that, most policyholders report an increase in their premium. The discount still applies to your increased premium, but you may no longer save as much.

Therefore, drive as you would usually drive, and hopefully show that you are a safe, excellent driver to Liberty Mutual. Also, it is not advised that you take any long road trips or vacations, as the extra miles do count toward your discount. So, wait for a 90-day period that you will be home, driving your usual hours, and remain cautious as you do so.

RightTrack Review – What Do Current Customers Have to Say?

Most policyholders that have used the RightTrack program do have positive feedback about it, but not many received the full 30 percent. This is the most common of the Liberty Mutual RightTrack complaints. Instead, most saved on average 10 to 15 percent on the life of their policy, which is not a bad discount either.

Liberty Mutual lets drivers combine the savings from the RightTrack device with other Liberty Mutual discounts – saving them even more.

Is Liberty Mutual RightTrack Worth it to Try?

Most policyholders have no complaints about the program. However, if you do not like using a tracking device on your vehicle and having your personal data tracked and used, then you may want to avoid this program. If, however, you would like to save up to 30 percent off your insurance premium, then using the tracker for 90 days is all it takes, and you could save a few hundred per year depending on your current premium.

James Shaffer
James Shaffer James Shaffer is a writer for and a well-seasoned auto insurance industry veteran. He has a deep knowledge of insurance rules and regulations and is passionate about helping drivers save money on auto insurance. He is responsible for researching and writing about anything auto insurance-related. He holds a bachelor's degree from Bentley University and his work has been quoted by NBC News, CNN, and The Washington Post.
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