How Much is Car Insurance for a 19-Year-Old?

Last Updated on July 21, 2020

As a 19-year-old, you pay high rates for car insurance. Statistically, you are a high-risk driver, and that means you’re more likely to make a claim.

How much is car insurance for a 19-year-old? How much should you spend on insurance as a 19-year-old driver? How can you save money or get the cheapest car insurance as a younger driver? Today, we’re explaining everything you need to know about the price of car insurance for a 19-year-old.

How Much is Car Insurance for a 19-Year-Old?

The Average 19-Year-Old Pays $3,500 Per Year for Car Insurance

A 19-year-old driver will pay some of the highest car insurance premiums in the United States. Even if you’re a safe driver, other 19-year-old drivers are not statistically safe. In fact, 19-year-old drivers (and other teenage drivers) are some of the highest-risk drivers on the road.

As a young driver, you are more likely to cause a severe accident or make a claim than any other driver on the road. Statistically, young drivers lack the experience to make smart driving decisions. They might not have experience driving in certain road conditions – like heavy traffic or icy weather. They might panic in an emergency situation or engage in high-risk behavior – like driving under the influence.

For all of these reasons, 19-year-old drivers pay costly rates for car insurance in every state.

Even if you’re 19 years old, however, there are ways to save money on car insurance. Some insurance companies specialize in insuring younger drivers: they try to balance their insurance pool with a mix of younger (high-risk) and older (low-risk) drivers.

Other insurance companies penalize younger drivers. They charge high rates to 19-year-old drivers, discouraging them from buying car insurance through that company.

The table below shows the average car insurance rates (for full coverage) for 19-year-old-drivers, by state:

StateAverage Annual Premiums
North Carolina$1,996
North Dakota$3,469
New Hampshire$2,390
New Jersey$4,027
New Mexico$3,790
New York$3,835
Rhode Island$4,659
South Carolina$3,468
South Dakota$3,475
Washington, D.C.$4,681
West Virginia$4,099

As a 19-year-old driver, you may qualify for dozens of insurance discounts. Companies offer good grade discounts to students with a B+ average or higher, for example, or defensive driver discounts to anyone who has taken a driver safety course.

Keep reading to discover which insurance companies offer the best rates to 19-year-old drivers – and which discounts are available.

Best Car Insurance Companies for 19-Year-Old Drivers

Some car insurance companies are known for offering cheaper premiums than others. Generally, these car insurance companies offer the best rates to drivers of any age – including 19-year-old drivers.

USAA and GEICO, for example, are frequently among the cheapest car insurance companies in the United States for all ages.

Anyone can buy a car insurance policy through GEICO. To buy a USAA policy, however, you need to qualify for USAA membership. You or an immediate family member must be active duty or retired military to qualify. Alternatively, if one of your family members is already a USAA member, then you may be eligible for membership even if that family member isn’t active duty or retired military.

Some of the cheapest car insurance companies for 19-year-old drivers include:

  • USAA
  • State Farm
  • Nationwide
  • Progressive
  • Farmers
  • Allstate

How Much More Do 19-Year-Old Drivers Pay for Car Insurance?

As a teenager, you expect to pay high prices for car insurance. Paying $3,500 per year for car insurance may seem reasonable – but it’s a much higher annual premium than any other driver at any age.

16-year-old and 17-year-old drivers pay the highest rates for car insurance in every state. As a 16 and 17-year-old driver, you are young and inexperienced, making you much more likely to get into an accident or make a claim. Nationwide, the average 16 or 17-year-old driver pays around $4,500 per year for car insurance.

As you get older, car insurance premiums drop slightly. As an 18-year-old and 19-year-old driver, you’re still paying some of the highest car insurance rates in the country, although you’re paying marginally lower rates than you did as a younger teenager.

As long as you maintain a safe driving history and take advantage of discounts, you should notice rates continue to drop slightly between ages 16 and 25. You’ll pay less for car insurance each year. Every year, you become older and more experienced, proving to your insurer that you are a less risky driver to insure.

By the time you hit 25, you should notice car insurance premiums drop significantly, with continued discounts every year between 25 and 30.

By the time you hit 30 and have a clean driving record, you’re paying close to the lowest rates you’ll ever pay for car insurance. Car insurance premiums continue to drop slightly throughout your 30s and 40s. Drivers in their mid-50s and mid-60s, meanwhile, pay some of the lowest possible rates for car insurance.

Eventually, this trend reverses. Many insurers charge higher premiums to drivers in their late 70s and older. As an older driver, you’re a higher risk driver to insure. You are more likely to make a claim or get into an accident.

As long as you maintain a clean driving record, you’ll pay the highest rates for car insurance at 19 years old as you’ll ever pay in your life.

Car Insurance Discounts for 19-Year-Old Drivers

Car insurance is expensive as a 19-year-old driver. Fortunately, there are ways to save. By taking advantage of the insurance discounts below, you can save hundreds – even thousands – per year on car insurance.

Good Student Discounts: Most major insurers now offer a good student discount. To qualify, you need a B+ average or higher (specific rules vary between insurers). As long as you maintain these good grades in high school and college, you will continue to qualify for the good student discount, saving you anywhere from 2.5% to 10% per year on car insurance. Statistics show that drivers with good grades tend to be better, safer drivers than drivers with poor grades, so insurers offer a discount.

Safe Driving Discounts: Many drivers go their entire lives without causing an accident or making a claim. If you maintain a safe, claims-free driving record, then you can qualify for cheaper rates every year. Most insurers offer a safe driving discount after 3 to 5 years without making a claim.

Avoid Tickets: Tickets and citations can increase insurance premiums. A single speeding ticket can raise premiums by 10% or more, for example. A DUI can have a particularly significant effect on insurance premiums, especially as a young driver.

Driver’s Education Discounts: Did you take a driver’s education course or a defensive driving course? If so, then you may qualify for a safe driving discount. Statistics show that drivers who complete driver training are safer than drivers who don’t take a course, so insurers offer a discount.

Consider Using a Parent’s Insurance Policy

If you still live at home, then you should be able to get car insurance under your parents’ policy (or one parent’s policy).

Your parents likely have a safe driving record and many years of safe driving history. They’re older and more experienced and pay cheaper rates for car insurance. By adding yourself as a named driver to your parents’ insurance policy, you can qualify for more affordable insurance rates while getting the same car insurance coverage.

Instead of paying $4,000 per year for car insurance, you might pay ‘just’ $2,000 per year using your parents’ insurance policy. You can continue to stay on your parents’ insurance policy for as long as you live at home.

Final Word on Insurance for 19-Year-Olds

19-year-old drivers pay some of the highest rates for car insurance. 19-year-old male drivers are hit particularly hard, spending over $3,500 per year for car insurance on average.

By shopping for car insurance and taking advantage of discounts, you can pay the lowest possible rates for car insurance as a 19-year-old driver.

However, you may want to add yourself to your parent’s insurance policy to save up to 50% off car insurance.

James Shaffer
James Shaffer James Shaffer is a writer for and a well-seasoned auto insurance industry veteran. He has a deep knowledge of insurance rules and regulations and is passionate about helping drivers save money on auto insurance. He is responsible for researching and writing about anything auto insurance-related. He holds a bachelor's degree from Bentley University and his work has been quoted by NBC News, CNN, and The Washington Post.
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